About Me

Hi there! I’m Katelyn.

I created this blog as a resource for moms to find positivity in motherhood.

My motherhood journey began 9 months ago when my sweet boy, Owen, entered the world. In these 9 months I have struggled with all things mom life.

I struggled with figuring out how to be a mom (both physically and mentally),  my mental health, how to keep up relationships with my family, keeping a work/life balance, how to keep my home from looking like a war zone, eating well…I could go on and on.

I sought out some help with my struggles and with some professional help and a very supportive husband, I’m in a place where I’m confident about finding the upside in mom life. Mostly because I’ve realized that I don’t need to do everything myself, and I don’t need to do anything alone.

As a work from home mom I have a full time job and I’m a full time mom. My life is busy and messy and nonstop from 6am to 8pm. Utter madness! But I know that I can always find the positives no matter how hard my day is.

Finding positivity in all things motherhood is a way to feel empowered by all the things moms deal with about life being busy and messy and madness.

I know that motherhood isn’t easy no matter what situation mother’s are in. It’s just hard! Understand that we each have the ability find the positive in all situations. This blog is not a place where you will learn how to do motherhood positively perfect.

This is a place where you will learn to find positivity in motherhood…in all its glorious mess.

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